In our February 2018 Skin Renewal Newsletter we explain what negative effects temperature change have on your skin & what can be done to combat it.

With summer at its peak, many of us might already be guilty of wishing for colder weather to roll in.

Rest assured, it won’t be long before it is time to pack away the sandals, brush off the knitwear and start cranking up the electric blankets and heaters.

But, before we wish away the warm days, consider the impact that the change in season and temperature can have on your skin.

Colder weather doesn’t just call for winter heaters, but also overly hot baths and showers; hanging out in dry, stuffy indoor environments and layering on thick body butters.

Unfortunately, all of these factors can cause your skin to lose its moisture, wreaking havoc on its barrier system in a way that can cause skin sensitivity and redness. Don’t allow your skin to suffer, let us help you maintain a healthy happy skin.

Yours in great skin,

Dr Lestonn Lawn

Dr Lestonn Lawn

Dr Lestonn Lawn